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Gamers and goofballs have got it made..

K-Zone is a monthly dose of what’s hot for the tween market. Don’t worry if you don’t know Pokemon from Pochahontas, the kids in your life do and this is their zone, as declared in the title.

K-Zone is all action and the net they cast is wide from Lego to Star Wars and superheroes to sport. Gamers have plenty to choose from with Minecraft tips, game hacks, reviews of new releases and coding tips. There are also book and tv reviews, puzzles and pranks to try out, jokes to giggle over, comics to read and competitions to enter. Readers are in the picture too. There are pages of art work, stories, photos, crazy collections and features of cool kids doing interesting things.


Size doesn’t matter. This A5 magazine is full to the margins and there is no doubt about who the readership is. Bright headings, bold fonts, boxed text and plenty of pics make this easy for young readers to navigate.


There’s no shortage of action, gross-out, slime, unlucky photos and Guiness World Records for the ridiculous and crazy. In other words, K-Zone knows their demographic. They say don’t work with kids and animals but the K-Zone staff look like they love doing both, giving their thumbs up and the low down on current favs and fads.

Magfactor of a water bomb drenching for cover to cover content.

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