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What 'me-time' means to editor Brendan James of Golf Australia magazine.

Who doesn't want some more 'me-time' in their lives? We speak to Editor Brendan James of Golf Australia to discuss why it's essential to take some time out for yourself or better yet give some 'me-time' to your Dad! No excuses...!

Being not only the Editor of Golf Australia, but also being a Dad could you tell us why it's essential to make time for yourself with some 'me-time' ?

It’s not always easy to find ‘me-time’ between magazine deadlines and being involved with my kids’ sporting teams. However, it CAN be done with some forward planning. Everyone needs ‘me-time’ to recharge and free your mind from thinking about all your commitments, even if it’s just an hour to hit some golf balls, listen to music or find a quiet place to read.

Why do you think magazines and 'me-time' make the perfect combo when taking time out for yourself?

Magazines provide the perfect, affordable escape from the every day. As a magazine editor I would like to think we are engaging readers with dream scenarios, whether it is a feature on a ‘bucket list’ holiday destination or advice on how they might play better golf. Everyone loves to dream and magazines are in a position to assist readers in visualising those dreams, which is probably why I tend to read a lot of travel and overseas golf magazines.

Why do you think Golf Australia will make the perfect gift for Dad this Father's Day?

Golf Australia magazine is the perfect gift for the golfing Dad because it informs, entertains and will have them yearning to play the courses and equipment we showcase every month. In fact, I hope every Dad who receives a copy of gift subscription is inspired to then play the golf of their dreams.


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