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Top gifts for: Gardening Mums

Never fear our top 5 gardening mags are here! Find out which is best suited to your Mum with our bite-sized guide.

Gardening Australia

Apart from being the leading gardening bible for many gardeners, Gardening Australia is also one of the best sources of gardening puns and play on words! Issues look at ‘romancing the roses’, 'light BLUB moments' and even ‘seeds of discontent. Whether you have an urban courtyard, veggie patch or country estate every issue has something for you including expert step by step advice across climates, soil and varieties of plants, shrubs flowers you name it. Mum will simply love it if she loves getting outside, planting and potting.

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PIP magazine is for the Mums who want to be more holistically minded in how they grow things and live. This artfully put together magazine is hip in its design. Guided by the principles of permaculture and sustainability the magazine features inspiring stories about how to grow your own food, create a low-energy home, eat locally and seasonally and be more in touch with the planet. It’s a very practical and accessible resource. If your Mum wants to edge more in this direction with her garden and life or is already gung-ho, she’ll love PIP.

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ABC Organic Gardener

ABC Organic Gardener offers both practical gardening and inspiration for living a more holistic life. Mum can expect advice for how to grow chemical-free fruit, veggies, herbs, poultry and more plus lifestyle articles ranging from eco living, renewable energy and non toxic household supplies. ABC Organic Gardener offers both a localised and wider view of what it means to live more naturally. ABC Organic gardener is the ideal gift if your Mum appreciates no-nonsense, reliable and seasonable advice for living closer to nature.

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Grass Roots

Grass Roots is as its name suggests a very down to earth approach to life offering inspiration and expert advice covering self reliance, food, cooking, building, gardening, livestock, preserving and even craft. If you Mum is a life DIY queen or wannabe, Grass Roots is the perfect gift for her!

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Good Organic Gardening

Good Organic Gardening’s emphasis is on the growing, right to the table, offering guidance on growing your food and how to eat it, whether as it is or as part of a recipe for a delectable dish. There are also feature articles on how to make your hoe more sustainable with quite design-forward ideas both local and from aboard. Good Organic Gardening makes growing and cooking your own food a treat, and provides you with inspriation for your entire home. Mum will love it.

Shop Good Organic Gardening

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